PoliMi presentation at the EGU General Asssembly 2024

PoliMi was present at the General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Members of the PoliMi SatGeo team attended the “EGU General Asssembly 2024” in Vienna (Austria) and gave one oral presentation and one poster: Our oral presentation on “Assessment of a quantum gravity mission by the space-wise approach in the framework of the QSG4EMT project” by Rossi, L., Reguzzoni, M. Koç, Ö., and Migliaccio, F., was given in the session G4.2 “Modern Concepts for Ground and Space Observations of the Earth Gravity field”. The poster “A quantum gradiometry mission concept for the improvement of Mars gravity field models” by Reguzzoni, M., Rossi, L., Migliaccio, F., was presented in the session PS1.5 “Unlocking the interior, geological and climate history of mars from polar cap processes and future geodetic missions”. Moreover, our members were co-authors of another oral presentation and two posters: The oral presentation “A new global crust model: ECM24” by Lu, B., van der Meijde, M., Fadel, I., Reguzzoni, M., Rossi, L., Sampietro, D., Cammarano, F., and Julia, J. was given in the session GD6.1 “Structure, deformation and dynamics of continental crust and upper mantle, and the nature of mantle discontinuities”, while the posters “NGGM-MAGIC: A breakthrough in the understanding of the dynamics of the Earth” by Marotta, A. M.,  R., Braitenberg, C., Brocca, L., Cambiotti, G., Camici, S., Casotto, S., De Gaetani, C. I., De Min, A., Fedi, M., Pastorutti, A., Pivetta, T., Reguzzoni, M., Riccardi, U., Rossi, L., Sabadini, R., Zoffoli, S., Blasone, G. P., and Longo, F., was presented in the session G4.1 “Satellite Gravimetry: Data Analysis, Results and Future Mission Concepts”, and “CARIOQA-PMP quantum accelerometer simulation” was presented in the session G4.2 “Modern Concepts for Ground and Space Observations of the Earth Gravity field”. The EGU24 General Assembly was held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria and online, from 14–19 April 2024, This time it welcomed 20,979 registered attendees from 116 countries and hosted 18,896 presentations given in 1,044 sessions. More details can be found on the dedicated website: https://www.egu24.eu

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PoliMi is hosting the General Assembly 2023 for CARIOQA-PMP ​

PoliMi is hosting the General Assembly 2023 for CARIOQA-PMP This week Politecnico di Milano is hosting the General Assembly 2023 for CARIOQA-PMP project.  The project aims to develop a new technology “quantum accelerometer” to be used in space within the next decade and brings together the leading players from five EU countries. More updates on the official website: https://carioqa-quantumpathfinder.eu/  

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PoliMi presentation at the MAGIC Science and Applications Workshop 2023

PoliMi was present at the MAGIC Science and Applications Workshop 2023 Members of the PoliMi SatGeo team attended the “MAGIC Science and Applications Workshop 2023” in Assisi (Italy) and gave one oral presentation and two posters: Lorenzo Rossi gave the oral presentation on “The space-wise approach based on least-squares collocation for ll-SST mission data processing” in the session dedicated to MAGIC Products. The posters “Mitigating Temporal Aliasing in Future Gravity Missions by the Space-Wise Approach” by Ö. Koç, M. Reguzzoni, L. Rossi, F. Migliaccio and “Time-wise analysis of satellite gravity data and hydrological modeling of a the Po watershed basin and the Alpine divide” by A. Vitti, B. Majone, A. Bellin, F. Tesolin, R. Contu, A. Galletti, D. Avesani, F. Di Marco, M. Reguzzoni, L. Rossi, Ö. Koç, K. Batsukh, A. Albertella, F. Migliaccio were presented in the poster session. This workshop was organized by ESA and NASA and focused on the future Mass Change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) and discussed the evolved user needs for monitoring Earth’s mass transport processes, the necessary advancements in algorithm development to generate MAGIC products, the impact of MAGIC on science and applications, and interaction with the operational/decision maker user communities. More details can be found on the dedicated website: https://magic2023.org/

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CARIOQA-PMP: Meet the expert​

CARIOQA-PMP: Meet the expert We are delighted to announce that prof. Federica Migliaccio has been selected for one of the portraits of the CARIOQA-PMP experts. CARIOQA-PMP (Cold Atom Rubidium Interferometer in Orbit for Quantum Accelerometry – Pathfinder Mission Preparation) aims at developing a new technology to be used in space within the next decade, exploiting a quantum accelerometer for the determination of the Earth gravity field. CARIOQA-PMP brings together leading players from five EU Countries: France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Danmark with expertise in the fields of satellite instrument development, quantum sensing, satellite geodesy and Earth sciences. Read the article: carioqa-quantumpathfinder.eu/meet-the-expert-federica-migliaccio-politecnico-di-milano/

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PoliMi presentation as Keynote Speaker at the 6th Quantum Technology Conference 2023

PoliMi presentation as Keynote Speaker at the 6th Quantum Technology Conference 2023 Prof. Federica Migliaccio was invited as a keynote speaker to the the 6th Quantum Technology Conference 2023 that took place on 19-21 September 2023 in Matera (Italy). The conference was organized by ESA and ISA and covered the topics such as: ·       New initiatives and international collaborations ·       Quantum community goals ·       New strategic challenges ·       Technical developments and breakthroughs ·       Emerging opportunities, both commercial and institutional Prof. Migliaccio opened the Quantum Sensing Session 1 with the presentation “Applying the space-wise approach to concepts of future quantum missions for the Earth gravity field determination”. The presentation can be found by the following link:   https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairwesteuprod/production-nikal-public/410ef441be75461f8a96a9ce7ca13ebc  

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CARIOQA-PMP kick-off meeting

CARIOQA-PMP kick-off meeting On December 14th, 2022, we participated to the CARIOQA-PMP project (Cold Atom Rubidium Interferometer in Orbit for Quantum Accelerometry – Pathfinder Mission Preparation) kick-off meeting. This project has been funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program and has the aim to develop such a quantum sensor for space application. CARIOQA-PMP aims at developing a new technology to be used in space within the next decade: a quantum gravimeter/accelerometer. Such technology will be used for satellite-based Earth science in order to monitor climate change and thus support the development of mitigation and adaptation measures. The technology developed within the CARIOQA-PMP framework aims to be tested during a spatial mission: the Quantum Pathfinder Mission. The project is coordinated by CNES and will run for the next 3 years. It brings together leading players from five EU countries. Further information at the official project website.

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